Regular checkups are an important way to keep track of your child's health and development. At these visits your provider assesses your child’s growth, conducts a head-to-toe physical examination, discusses and administers immunizations, and addresses any questions you may have.
These visits are called “Preventative Health Care” as we aim to be proactive, tackling any concerns before they escalate into problems. By tracking key milestones, we can provide anticipatory guidance on behavior, parenting strategies, and safety precautions.
As children transition into school-age, the focus shifts towards instilling lifelong healthy habits such as balanced nutrition, physical activity, and adequate sleep. Social-emotional wellbeing and academic performance are also addressed.
During adolescence, discussions on healthy habits and risk reduction become especially important.
Throughout these visits, our goal is to foster a trusting relationship between your child and their healthcare providers, establishing a dependable support system for any future challenges.
Please call our office 3 months in advance to schedule an appointment with your child's primary care provider on the date that best fits your needs.
At 3-5 days your baby is finally home! Congratulations!
At this age, sometimes it is surprising how much they sleep! Remember, being born is exhausting for everyone! Having family around to provide extra support can be very helpful but make sure all visitors wash their hands well. Don't be surprised if your baby hiccups and sneezes a lot. Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby as it contains just the right amount of nutrients. But, the first week of breastfeeding is a learning period for both you and your baby. Don't expect to work as a coordinated team right away! Your baby’s first visit to our office takes place 1-2 days after you are discharged from the hospital.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
Helpful Info:
At two weeks, most babies sleep a lot!
While they may sleep 17 hours in 24 hours, many babies have their days and nights confused. This is because for the first nine months, they were rocked to sleep during the day while their mom walked around! The two week visit is a time to talk about how your family is acclimating to the newest addition. Feeding, bowel habits, sleeping and skin care are common topics. Babies usually lose weight right after birth and our goal is to have the baby back up to the birth weight by this visit .
Please remember that it is important to always put your baby to sleep on his or her back in a flat, firm and separate sleep space to reduce the risk of SIDS. As always, we are here to answer questions and offer anticipatory guidance.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
Helpful Info:
At one month, babies are much more alert.
Developmental milestones at this age include following objects and faces with the eyes. They are just starting to smile. Hopefully, they are developing the ability to calm themselves down, although many still have periods where they are fussy. This is frequently at the end of the day just as everyone's reserves are down. Be patient, this will pass! Families are usually starting to settle in around now. Common concerns included feeding, sleeping and bowel habits will be discussed. We will also discuss the parents’ adjustment to life with a newborn. 50% of women develop a bit of baby blues. Please let us know if you are struggling.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At two months most babies make great eye contact and have social smiles.
They are beginning to vocalize and coo. Some babies may seem more fussy or colicky at this age. Be patient. Colicky babies eventually outgrow their crying phase. Keeping your baby safe is the most important thing you can do. Even if you feel frustrated, handle your baby gently and reach out for help to friends, relatives or your pediatrician if the crying is getting to be too much. If you need a break and no one is available to help you, place your baby on his/her back gently in a safe space, such as a crib or bassinet and take a few minutes to calm down.
We do a lot at this visit, including:
Helpful Info:
At four months, your baby is becoming more active and verbal.
Be careful not to leave your baby unattended, especially on a bed, couch or counter. They move faster than you think!
Babies need only breast milk or iron fortified formula for the first 4-6 months of life. We will talk, at this appointment, about the appropriate time to introduce solid foods and what foods to introduce first.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At six months, your baby will begin to move more and will be able to sit up independently for short periods of time.
Now is the time to start adding complementary food, in addition to breastmilk or formula. This makes for some good photo ops! Most of the time we start with infant cereal, which is fortified with the extra iron babies need at this age. Safety concerns start to be very important at this age. Babies put Everything into their mouths as this is how they explore their world. Start baby-proofing your house - if you haven't already done so. You should move the mattress in your baby's crib down to the lowest level. It is always good to stay one step ahead of babies development in terms of safety.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At nine months, babies become very chatty, enjoying saying "dadada" and "mamama."
They are very social, turning around to the sound of their name, smiling and playing "peek a boo". Many develop "stranger danger" as they become more aware of people who they do and do not know. Sometimes they develop a little separation anxiety. Motor-wise, they become very mobile, starting to crawl. Some are pulling to a stand and cruising on furniture.
Babies will want to touch everything around now and they learn to use their pincer grip to pick up small pieces of food.They also pick up every piece of lint (or anything else small) and put it in their mouth, so be vigilant! Because of their increasing mobility and curiosity, baby proofing becomes important. Make sure to use gates on both the bottom and top landing of your stairs, and put your household cleaners where they are not reachable.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
Happy Birthday!
At age one, developmental milestones include saying first real words, saying Mama and DaDa specificially, clapping, and waving bye bye. We now call babies "toddlers" as they learn to cruise then walk. Some are starting to climb. Your baby can transition to cow’s milk with the volume decreasing to 16-24 ounces a day. It is time to wean your child from the bottle and offer all liquids in a sippy cup. It is much easier to wean your child now than if you wait until they are older. Avoid cavities and additional tears and make the change now!
However, it is healthy to continue breast milk, until you or your child feels ready to wean. Most babies need 3 meals, 2-3 nutritious snacks per day, and no more than 16-20 ounces of whole cow's milk per day. Your baby will be able to eat many of the foods you eat, but be careful to avoid small, hard foods that can cause choking.
Many babies become resistant at bedime and having a good bedtime routine, including reading a good book (or two) will help. Safety issue include outgrowing the infant carrier car seat and needing to transition to a "convertible car seat" which should stay rear facing car seat until age 2.
Now that your baby is mobile, safety becomes a real concern. The number one cause of accidental pediatric deaths, starting at age 1 is drowning. Do not ever leave your baby in the bathtub!
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At fifteen months, developmental milestones including using a few simple words, like "ba" for ball or "da" for dog.
Toddlers understand simple commands given with words and gestures, like "get me the ball". They point to indicate their needs and wants. They try to copy household or self-care tasks. Fine motor skills include stacking two blocks and gross motor skills include walking and climbing.
After age one, the rate of growth decelerates, going from babies tripling their weight in the first year of life to only gaining four to six pounds each year. We recommend avoiding or limiting juices to a few ounces a day. Stick with three meals and three nutritious snacks a day rather than letting your child just graze. Safety concerns include tipping heavy things like TVs and bureaus. Common choking hazards include grapes, hot dogs, popcorn, nuts, hard or gummy candy.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At eighteen months, toddlers understand much more than they can say in words.
Most have three or more words beyond Mama and Dada. They point with their index finger to show interest. They are interested in other kids and have some pretend play (like feeding a doll or making a truck go vroom!) Many go from walking to running and sometimes seem to fall more as they speed up!
Many toddlers become good at having tantrums! Sometimes these can be avoided by using substitution or distraction when they want something they can not have or do. Sometimes they can be avoided by having realistic expectation. At this age, doing a big grocery shopping at naptime will definitely not end well! Avoid using screens to calm your child as this prevents them from learning self-calming strategies. This is a great age to read and sing to your child often.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age two, your toddler may go from trying to be independent to clinging to you; this is normal.
They are both a "Big Kid" and a Baby and this back and forth sometimes leads to tantrums. At this age, they want what they want, when they want it! Use simple words to redirect, saying "No Hitting" instead of just "No" or saying too much. As long as they are safe, try to ignore unwanted behaviors and pay attention to those you want to encourage.
Two year olds can say two word phrases, such as "more milk" and use more gestures like blowing kisses and giving High Fives. They can point to several body parts. They can eat with a spoon (although it may be messy!) They run well and try to kick balls, It is better for toddlers to play than to watch TV or play with a screen.
Two year olds frequently become picky. Avoid only cooking "kid food" like mac and cheese and nuggets, and keep serving veggies, even if they get pushed to the side. At this age, toddlers can switch to low fat milk.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At 30 months, your toddler's developmental tasks include language, thinking skills, self-control and self-confidence.
At this age, speech starts to rapidly improve. Most toddlers have about 50 words and 2-word action sentences like "baby cries". They are interested in other children and like to parallel play with them.
Your baby is not really a baby anymore. This is the "do-it-myself" age and they enjoy exerting their independence. They can climb well, jump and can assist with dressing. Childproofing becomes more challenging as their motor skills are rapidly outpacing their ability to understand danger.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age three children like the "who," "what," "where," and"why" questions!
Most speak in full sentences which others can understand about three-quarters of the time. They transition from parallel play to learning to play with other children. Your child will likely be moving into a world of make- believe that they create with their imagination. Costumes for dress-up are fun at this age. Read books, sing songs and play rhyming games with your child each day.
Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death at this age. This is a good time to start swimming lessons and continue them year- round until children are confident swimmers.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
Four year olds often like to sing, dance and act.
They like to tell "tall tales" and make up stories. Enjoy these fun moments with your little one! Children this age like to be "helpers". They understand that they need to change their behavior based on where they are, and work hard to use their "inside voices" and "school behavior".
Many children this age can catch a large ball, undo some buttons and hold a crayon. Parents should continue to help with brushing teeth even though your child will want to do it all by themselves.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age five most children will be heading to kindergarten.
Make sure they know their full name and phone number. Most kids this age can count to ten, and are learning to write their own name, follow direction, participate in group activities and play cooperatively with other children. Five year old children can do some buttons and hop well.
Children this age need more independence. However, you need to set clear limits. A regular bedtime and consistent bedtime routine are important. Be a great role model. Show an interest in what they are learning.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age six, most kids have been at school for a while and have adjusted to new routines.
Most children this age will be able to tell stories using full sentences with appropriate tenses and pronouns. Be aware that some kids will want to talk about their school day when they get home but some will need a bit of time to decompress.
Your 6-year-old is becoming more independent. As your child spends more time with friends at school, it is important they know basic safety rules like wearing bike helmets.
Encourage healthy habits including getting about eleven hours of sleep each night. Having a TV or screens in the bedroom is strongly linked to poor sleep habits so keep up the reading at bedtime routine.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
Good Tip:
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
by Judith Viorst
At age seven, your child will have gone through many changes.
By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now but it is still important to mantain family traditions and routines.
Friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time. This is a time for children to develop confidence, through friends, schoolwork, and sports.
Continue to encourage good nutrition, exercise and sleep for your child. This is the time children are building good health habits for a lifetime!
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age eight, it is a time of great change in terms of the way your child thinks, socializes and develops new skills.
Your support and guidance at this time are very important. Take time to talk with and listen to your child so they feel comfortable coming to you to discuss worries and problems. Develop routines to make sure this happens even when life gets busy with sports and activities.
Children do best when they know what to expect. Try to stick to daily routines for before and after school and bedtime. Set limits and “house rules” that are clear and discuss what will happen if these are broken. Be consistent and follow-through!
Praise your child when they are kind to others and behaving well. Talk with your child about bullying and what to do if they or someone else is being bullied.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age nine, it is common for many kids to show more independence from family and begin to prefer being with friends.
Many kids are becoming mature enough to take on more tasks such as packing their backpacks independently and taking care of their own room. Provide a quiet place to do homework, minimizing distractions, such as TV and devices.
Academically, school is a bit harder. If your child is struggling academically, work with your child's school to find the cause, such as learning or attention problems, bullying, or other stressors.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age ten, your child still requires adult supervision when you are away but also when on the internet.
Watching TV, "Surfing the Net," looking at Tiktok or Youtube with your child allows you to discuss any controversial topics that may come up. Limit screen time to 2 hours per day. Consider developing a family media plan for the whole family.
Family mealtime is important to keeping communication open and fostering healthy lives. Try to not allow cellphones at meals.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
Good Podcast:
You-ology: A Puberty Guide for Every Body
by Melisa Holmes MD, Trish
Hutchison MD, Kathrynn Lowe MD
(This is one of the many excellent books published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP.))
At age eleven, your child is starting to transition to middle school.
This is a time of excitement, worry, anticipation of changes to come for children and their parents a like. Puberty is usually underway, with physical, emotional and intellectual changes that bring on anxiety and insecurity for many.
There are a lot of social stressors as kids go through these changes, while at the same time, many kids may be participating in more group activities. Expand your conversations about healthy living practices to include tobacco, drug and alcohol avoidance as kids are exposed to these much earlier than you may think.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
The Boys Body Book: Everything You Need to Know
by Kelli Dunham
The Care & Keeping of You: The Body Book for Girls
by Valorie Schaefer
At age twelve, your child will be solid in middle school at this age.
For some kids, sports become a major part of life at this age. Make sure to help keep it fun! Be a model for good sportsmanship on the field. Make sure your child is using appropriate safety equipment and following safety guidelines.
Continue your conversations about healthy living practices to include tobacco, drug and alcohol avoidance.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age thirteen, even though friends are becoming more important, having a caring adult to provide a listening ear and from which to obtain accurate health information is equally important.
Foster open communication with your child.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
The Lightening Thief:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians,
Book 1
by Rick Riordan
At age fourteen your child is in High School!
Have conversations about risk taking behaviors, driving, alcohol, drug use, family rules and expectations. Discuss media and internet safety. Make certain that they have an adult they can confide in if they are unable to communicate with you.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age fifteen, your teen has made the transition to high school.
Development of family relationships continues to be important, but it is also normal for teens to place more and more emphasis on their peer relationships. Remember that parents play a key role in helping their teen navigate peer pressure.
Help your child understand their own core values. Teach them that "NO can be a complete sentence!"
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age sixteen, it is exciting to see the wonderful person your child is becoming.
Possible conflict can arise at this time as your teen assesses your family values versus those of culture and peers. Keep the lines of communication open and give them additional responsibility while being present for them when they inevitably make mistakes. Be supportive and allow them to develop resilience and self-pride.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
At age seventeen, your teen is getting closer to finishing high school and entering the adult world.
They begin to imagine their own identity and role in the larger world. They may have a job and enjoy the independence it gives them. Remember, making mistakes are a normal part of growing up. Your job as a parent is to help them safely balance emerging independence with their feet firmly planted in your family's values.
During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent out of the room.
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
New Paragraph
At age eighteen your child is now an adult!
At this visit we will:
Helpful Info:
Many of our high school age patients wonder how long they should see a pediatrician. We offer to provide primary care for our patients until age 21. In some cases, our patients will transition earlier. Some teens like the sense of staying in their comfortable medical home with a provider they have known for years. If they are away at school, it may make it easier to manage their healthcare needs from afar.
For other young adults, it is a statement of their growing independence and maturity to transition to an adult provider sooner. They have taken on adult tasks such as working and starting their own family and transitioning to adult health care system is part of this process. We do not provide care for young adults who have become pregnant. Lastly, young adults who develop adult health issues not commonly seen in pediatrics may be better served transitioning to an internist sooner. These are all things to discuss with your teen.
Attached “quizzes” are tools to stimulate conversation about how to make sure your teen is knowledgeable about their health care prior to graduation.
If your young adult child decides to stay at Pediatric Associates at Northwoods for a few more years we are happy to keep them! Here are a few things to know about this phase of care:
This has been quite a journey to see your child grow up!
Phone (508) 880-7858
Fax (508) 822-5972