Administering vaccinations is one of the most important health-promoting functions we perform as pediatricians.
As parents, we have immunized our own children using the immunization schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and we cannot recommend anything less for our patients.
We at Pediatric Associates at Northwoods firmly believe that vaccines are safe and effective in preventing serious illness. We believe that vaccines save lives.
Below are resources we have carefully curated to provide accurate information about vaccines and the diseases they help prevent.
Please speak with your provider about any concerns or questions regarding immunizations.
Coronavirus (COVID 19)
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Chicken Pox (a.k.a. Varicella)
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Hepatitis A
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Hepatitis B
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Human Papillomavirus
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Meningococcal ACWY
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Meningococcal B
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Polio Vaccine
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Pneumococcal Conjugate
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis
Recommended ages for this vaccine:
Phone (508) 880-7858
Fax (508) 822-5972