Our schedule is designed to try to separate children who are well from those who are potentially infectious. Our goal is to minimize school absences, knowing that sometimes this is not possible.
Please familiarize yourself with our office hours to see if they work for your family. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer walk-in appointments but we do have same day sick appointments.
Our phones open at 8:30 am, if your child is sick and you would like them seen that day, please call as early as possible to ensure a visit.
Please remember to disable private caller ID or other call-blocking devices when requesting an after-hours call back from the on-call pediatrician, or he/she will not be able to return your call. Since many people are not aware that they have this feature as part of their phone service, we recommend dialing *82 whenever requesting a call back from one of our physicians. In addition, please do not call a physician directly with any phone number obtained through caller ID.
Emergencies are considered to be those conditions that are life-threatening: loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, seizure, etc.
In the case of minor emergencies (lacerations, cuts, mild fractures, sprains), please call our office first for instructions.
Phone (508) 880-7858
Fax (508) 822-5972